My two experiences with the amazing Melanie Safka: She waved to me from her float at the Thanksgiving Day Parade. Yes. Me. I was the only 6'3" long haired hippie freak beatnik in an old thrift store army jacket. She flashed me the peace sign and I was bowled over. 
Around that time, my (mega talented) writing/composing partner and bro from another mo John Borus composed an anti war song purposely meant to echo Melanie's Look What They've Done To My Song. I have twice sent missives to her with these lyrics but I know not if they ever reached her. Wow, hearing her sing our scathing words would probably be one of the biggest heartstoppers in musical history.
There's still time.
BTW, the second verse is a reference to something we heard about dog tags being jammed between the teeth of a fallen soldier so that they didn't get lost on the journey home.
Look what they've done to your son, ma
Look what they've done to your son
Well, they packed him up in a wooden box and he'll no more carry a gun
Look what they've done to your son
The blue the white and the red, ma
The blue the white and the red
Well, they put the flag over his coffin and the dog tags on his head
Look what they've done to your son
He'll no more make any noise, ma
He'll no more make any sound
Well, you raised him up from a little seed and they stuck him in the ground, ma
Look what they've done to you son
The man he came to your door, ma
The man he came to your door
He said sorry that we got him killed
Ya got any more?
Look what they done to your son
(repeat first verse)